Kira was 4 months on Monday! How time has flown... Here are the events of the past week... Last Saturday we went swimming! :-) Pictures coming soon... She seemed to enjoy it. Since the smallest swim diapers Huggies makes is for 16 pounds and up, I ended up getting PUL fabric and making two pairs for her! :-P The temp Sat was super nice! ...almost 80... Then on Sunday, the dust and cold front came through and dropped the temp into the 50s.
So she came down with the stomach bug Tuesday - which included one session of projectile vomiting, and going on 3 days now of diarrhea... tmi, I know... sorry... Other than frequent diaper changes, she seems to be doing ok. No major fevers or restlessness or anything like that. :-) Yay! Top that off with getting her 4month shots yesterday, and she has slept most of the day today...