Thursday, December 1, 2011


So Kira was born with a couple problems... Firstly, because I was hyperthyroid throughout the pregnancy and on meds, she was born hypothyroid... which by her second blood test, had completely tipped the other end of the scale and ended up causing her to by hyperthyroid like me. The docs felt it was probably due to my hyperthyroidism - that her thyroid was initially supressed due to the meds being passed onto her from me... then jumping to the other end of the spectrum when those meds wore off and her thyroid kicked in to fight off the _____ that had passed to her through the placenta.

This resulted in the docs wanting me to not breastfeed, so that her thyroid could normalize... between that and her being super tired, she didn't get enough fluids passing through her during the first few days and she ended up slightly jaundiced.

So we got to put her on UV light treatment at home for a week or so, although during that week, we ended up at Providence Children's Hospital in El Paso for 3 days (more in another post)... Here she is wrapped up in her bili-blanket :

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